Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Swai fillets , Pico de Gallo blended, Buffalo Wing Powder, Coconut Milk, Sweet Potatoes, Colored Marshmallows ... If you want to go 100% vegetarian, you can substitute the Swai, with veggy made seafood. there are several companies out there who make excellent fried Shrimp, fish sticks crab cakes and so on. I have tried this recipe in every variation. As to the amount of the ingredients, it depends on how many people will share the meal. As a base suggestion: for two people use 4 swaii fillets, 4-5 medium sweet potatoes, and one handful of colored marshmallows. 4 spoons of blended Pico de Gallo should be sufficient. However, since we all have our personal preferences, use The sauce and the Buffalo wing powder to your own taste. Enjoy.
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