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If you are into UFO's, ANCIENT ALIENS, EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE, or anything related, you probably like this Info-graphics i found. Always nice, to have a visual representation of interesting stuff. Enjoy. Copyrights all Pinterest

amazing, how many shapes of UFO'S are out there ... but yet, we are told its: clouds, flock of birds, visual misidentification, funny lights, swamp gas etc., etc., ...

Here is a visual representation of the famous DRAKE EQUATION

the famous DRAKE EQUATION ... back than, it was only a mathematical theory ... today, we can fill in actual numbers ... and it is amazing what the numbers show .... play with it ... you don't have to be a scientist or mathematician ... find the dumbest calculator online and it will do the math for you ... put in your own numbers (as to your own believes) ... and watch the results

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