First Contact With Extraterrestrials Might Be a Very Good Thing
When many people look at the stars, they see a vast, unbound infinity that fills them with a feeling that’s difficult to describe but impossible to forget. That feeling pushes humanity to want to explore the great unknown reaches of space in the hopes of discovering that we aren’t alone in it.But let’s assume for one moment that extraterrestrial life does exist. Should we really be trying to contact it?
I can't make up my personal opinion on this one. Is there something there, or is it just coincident? I really don't know. Read it, make up your own opinion. For my part, i don't just wanna dismiss it. To many questions to be answered. Click the link, Enjoy.
I can't make up my personal opinion on this one. Is there something there, or is it just coincident? I really don't know. Read it, make up your own opinion. For my part, i don't just wanna dismiss it. To many questions to be answered. Click the link, Enjoy.
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